Rice cooker Fried rice
The weather in Thailand is beyond hot! Sometimes I think that we live in the oven. And I know that many people are feeling the same -*-, spending time in front of the stove is not what I want. But we still have to eat, so cooking is not what we can avoid it completely. Anyway we still have a way so many ways to cook and one of them is rice cooker, hehe. It's easy to make one dish meal without needing to standing for a long time in the kitchen. This time I make fried rice that use less time than original fried rice. Well, most of the time we make fried rice because we have leftover cooked rice, but this recipe we just cook the rice with anything that we want (meat and vegetable) in the rice cooker and get beautiful and delicious fried rice at the same time. The only key is when cook rice in the frying pan, make sure that the oil cover the rice completely as it will make the rice grains separate from each over the same as when you make fried rice. As you will fry the unc...