17 BEST recipes of 2017
In a wink 2017 passed us by. Here is a lookback at 17 BEST recipes of the year gone by! Today is the official close of 2017. This year had 365 days like all other years, but came with many opportunities and exciting events for me; both on the blog and otherwise. Loads of fun promotions, new recipes, crazy ingredients and a ton of learnings. Finally I know how to operate my old DSLR camera and got myself a brand new one. I am on a learning curve again and hope to get a hang of it all rather quickly. Along with all the opportunities I got this year, I am glad to have known so many fellow bloggers through various social media channels. It is stunning how all of us are similar on so many counts and yet so different. I spent the year cooking for friends and family, having some amazing parties centered around food and getting all the positive and negative feedback on my cooking, choice of recipes and photography. As the year is drawing to a close, I look forward to 201...