Mango Kulfi | Indian style Ice Cream
A FIVE ingredient recipe to make Mango Kulfi; an Indian style Mango Ice-cream from reduced milk and flavored with saffron! The days are getting warmer and longer. I am totally LOVING this!! There is sunlight well past 6-7 pm and it seems so bright and lively. The best thing I like about the longer days is that I can click pictures for the blog all day. And it keeps me in a lively mood too. Whenever I think back of Summers in India, the thing that I miss the most is MANGOES. The king of fruits makes an appearance for the summer months and it is enjoyed for every meal! Alphonso, an Indian specialty is my favorite. It has a great taste and texture, which is unmatched by any other mango breed! Mangoes are used in everything like aam shrikhand, milkshake, mastani, ice cream and kulfi. Or it is enjoyed cut into cubes or as aamras. Those three months are meant only for mangoes, and all other fruits take a back seat in the house. Here in the US we get different kinds of ...